Battlefield: Chapter One
(note: to watch in HD, watch on Vimeo)

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If this product is something you like and would like to continue seeing, or would like to support Daros Films in the production of it's first feature length project: Greyscale, please consider donating as DIY filmmaking can become costly for those fronting the project by themselves.

Imagine a world where things that usually go unnoticed come to light... like a world-wide war that we are all in the middle of.

Battlefield is an allegorical tale of a way to look at our own world with a new vantage point. Chapter One establishes the world's setting, while Two through Five will continue and conclude the story of the soldier, the man running, and more.

Battlefield: Chapter One is available for free download in both iPod and 720p resolution. Feel free to download them and use them for sermon illustration or just plain entertainment.

Lastly, these videos do cost money to produce. Usually I would sell this for $1.99, but since this is a standalone chapter and I would like the work to be shown and passed around, it is free of charge. All I ask is that you would possibly consider donating a little bit if this video has been helpful to you.

We are currently in post-production on the last four chapters, and are in pre-production on our first feature length movie, so any support is much appreciated, be it prayer or donations.

-Daros Films

P.S. Be sure to check out our new project: Greyscale